It really hits you hard. Like a brick wall, like a full stomach, like a hard exam. Life really choice to test me this past year with multiple health issues, changed life plans, and a lot of bumps in the road. But being one of those days, I came to thinking about what life is really showing me.
After about half an hour of angry crying, I decided to get the mail (one of my favorite things), and a friend had dropped off a gift in my mailbox. A starbucks giftcard and new book awaited me as I ripped the gift bag apart. Still slightly annoyed, it was as though this book was a sign, so I sat down with a pint of Ben and Jerrys and The Book of (Even More) AWESOME. Although I have only read, the opening and a few following pages, the author Neil Pasricha, really has an amazing outlook on the little things in life. I genuinely smiled as each page turned. I didn't think today would be a day for smiling, but just one little thing changed my perspective.
So here are the good things that changed one of those days into another day that I'm happy to be alive.
My favorite Cool Gear Cup
Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade Scented Soy Candle
My Old Navy yoga pants
What little moments or things turn your day around?!
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